
List of Undergraduate Schools - 4 year Schools Colleges & Universities in Ontario (ON) Canada.

 Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Québec Saskatchewan Yukon

bullet Herzing College - Toronto
Eaton Centre Galleria Offices, PO BOX 602
Toronto, ON,M5B 2H1
Phone:(416) 599-6996
E-Mail: info@tor.herzing.edu
bullet Aaron College
515-1200 Markham Road
Scarborough, ON M1H-3C3
Phone: 416-439-8786
Email: info@aaroncollege.com
bullet Academy of Learning
#3-18 Cundles Road East
Barrie, ON L4M-2Z5
Phone: 705-719-9494
Email: geri@aolcollege.com
bullet Academy of Learning
6th Floor - 1255 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5R-2A9
Phone: 416-969-8845
Email: jennifer@aoltoronto.com
bullet Academy of Learning
#16-470 Dundas Street East
Belleville, ON K8N-1G1
Phone: 613-967-8973
Email: academyol@on.aibn.com
bullet Academy of Learning
350 Rutherford Road South Plaza 2, Suite 110
Brampton, ON L6W-4N6
Phone: 905-488-5627
Email: info@aolbrampton.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Chatham Campus
50 Adelaide Street South
Chatham, ON N7M-6K7
Phone: 519-354-9377
Email: academy@mnsi.net
bullet Academy of Learning
225 Pitt Street
Cornwall, ON K6J-3P8
Phone: 613-936-2728
Email: merkley@cornwallcareercollege.ca
bullet Academy of Learning
Downtown East
702 Pape Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K-3S7
Phone: 416-422-5627
Email: director@collegeaol.com
bullet Academy of Learning
#619-1280 Finch Avenue West
Toronto, ON M3J-3K6
Phone: 416-767-7679
Email: training@academyolrexdale.com
bullet Academy of Learning
#9-226 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON N1H-1C4
Phone: 519-824-9431
Email: academyg@sentex.net
bullet Academy of Learning
Hamilton Lower
401 Main Street East
Hamilton, ON L8N-1J7
Phone: 905-777-8553
Email: academy@cogeco.net
bullet Academy of Learning
Hamilton Upper
1632 Upper James Street
Hamilton, ON L9B-1K4
Phone: 905-388-0555
Email: academy@cogeco.net
bullet Academy of Learning
1469 Princess St.
Kingston, ON K7M-3E9
Phone: 613-544-8973
Email: mteglas@cogeco.net
bullet Academy of Learning
3585 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, ON M1G-1P4
Phone: 416-499-7994
Email: aollawrence@on.aibn.com
bullet Academy of Learning
#206A-189 Kent Street West
Lindsay, ON K9V-5G6
Phone: 705-878-3938
Email: admin@aol-lindsay.ca
bullet Academy of Learning
Mississauga East
#208-1310 Dundas Street East
Mississauga, ON L4Y-2C1
Phone: 905-273-6788
Email: sunita@aolmississaugaeast.com
bullet Academy of Learning
18 Main Street South
Newmarket, ON L3Y-3Y2
Phone: 905-836-8973
Email: academy.dkilgour@rogers.com
bullet Academy of Learning
50 Niagara Street
St. Catharines, ON L2R-4K9
Phone: 905-641-0835
Email: bpgordon@on.aibn.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Ottawa West
#217-1600 Merivale Road
Ottawa, ON K2G-5J8
Phone: 613-224-8973
Email: aolnepean@on.aibn.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Owen Sound
Suite B-1077 2nd Avenue East Owen
Sound, ON N4K-2H8
Phone: 519-371-6188
Email: jasongow@academytraining.ca
bullet Academy of Learning
#201-1123 Albion Road
Rexdale, ON M9V-1A9
Phone: 416-746-3333
Email: admin@academyolrexdale.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Richmond Hill
10235 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, ON L4C-3B4
Phone: 905-508-5791
Email: aolrichmondhill1@rogers.com

bullet Algoma University
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 2G4
Telephone: (705) 949-2301
Toll Free: 1-888-ALGOMA-U (1-888-254-6628)
Fax: (705) 949-6583
Email: info@algomau.ca
bullet Academy of Learning
45 Durham Street, Unit 101
Sudbury, ON P3E-3M2
Phone: 705-524-8973
Email: academyol_sudbury@yahoo.ca
bullet Academy of Learning
Thunder Bay
416 East Victoria Avenue
Thunder Bay, ON P7C-1A5
Phone: 807-624-2380
Email: cumhur@academyofnorth.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Warden and Sheppard
Unit G4-2190 Warden Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1T-1V6
Phone: 416-754-4456
Email: aolagincourt@on.aibn.com
bullet Academy of Learning
Windsor Campus
3095 Forest Glade Drive
Windsor, ON N8R-1W6
Phone: 519-979-4161
Email: academy@mnsi.net
bullet Access Business College
170 The Donway West, Suite 215
Toronto, ON M3C-2G3
Phone: 416-510-2739
Email: info@accessbuscollege.com
bullet Algoma University
1520 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A-2G4
Phone: 705-949-2301 or Toll Free: 1-888-ALGOMA-U (1-888-254-6628)
Email: info@algomau.ca
bullet Algonquin Careers Academy
Ottawa Campus
1644 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1V-7Y6
Phone: 613-722-7811 or Toll Free 1-888-722-7818
bullet Algonquin Careers Academy
Mississauga Campus
3025 Hurontario Street, Suite 600
Mississauga, ON, L5A-2H1
Phone: 905-361-2380 or Toll Free 1-888-722-7818
bullet Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8
Telephone: (613) 727-4723

bullet Algonquin College
315 Pembroke Street East
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 3K2
Telephone: (613) 735-4700

bullet Algonquin College
7 Craig St.
Perth ON K7H 1X7
Telephone: (613) 267 - 2859
Fax Number: (613) 735-8800
bullet Algonquin College
Room C429
Ottawa, On K2G 1V8
Telephone: (613) 727-4723, (ext.) 7031 or 7038
Fax: (613) 727-7665
E-mail: international@algonquincollege.co
bullet Algonquin College of Applied Arts & Technology
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, ON K2G 1V8
Phone: (613) 727-9797
Fax: (613) 727-7754
bullet Animation Canada-3D
2284 Gerrard St. East
Toronto, ON M4E-2E1
Phone: 416-690-1690
Email: info@animation.ca
bullet Animation Portfolio Workshop
50 Helena Ave.
Toronto, ON M6G-2H2
Phone: 416-651-3658
Email: aniport2000@hotmail.com
bullet ANIMEX
1 Bartley Bull Parkway, Suite 10
Brampton, ON L6W-3T7
Phone: 905-453-9142
Email: keithmoreau@sympatico.ca
bullet Brock University
500 Glenridge Avenue
St. Catharines, Ontario, L2S 3A1
Telephone: 905-688-5550

bullet Brock University
1842 King Street East
Hamilton, Ontario L8K 1V7
Telephone: (905) 547-3555

bullet Carleton University
315 Robertson Hall
1125 Colonel By Dr
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6
Telephone: (613) 520-3663
(613) 520-4455
Toll free: 1-888-354-4414
Fax: (613) 520-3847
bullet Cambrian college
Main Campus
1400 Barrydowne Road
Sudbury,ON P3A-3V8
Phone: 705-566-8101
Email: info@cambriancollege.ca
bullet Cambrian college
Espanola Campus
91 Tudhope St., Suite 101
Espanola,ON P5E-1S6
Phone: 705-869-4113
Email: info@cambriancollege.ca
bullet Cambrian college
Manitoulin Campus
7 Water Street
Little Current,ON P0P-1K0
Email: info@cambriancollege.ca

bullet Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology
1400 Barrydowne Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 3V8
Telephone: (705) 566-8101
Email: info@cambriancollege.ca
bullet Canadian Business College
55 Town Centre Court, Ste. 108
Scarborough, ON M4P-1X4
Phone: 888-925-9929
Email: learn@cbstraining.com
bullet Canadian Business College
College of Information Technology
2 Bloor Street West Suite 1000
Toronto, ON M5S-2V1
Phone: 416-925-9929
Email: learn@cbstraining.com
bullet Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)
6100 Leslie Street
Toronto, Ontario M2H 3J1
Telephone: (416) 482-2340
Toll free: 1-800-463-2923
Fax: (416) 646-1114
E-mail: communications@cmcc.ca

bullet Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology
100 College Drive
P.O. Box 5001
North Bay, Ontario P1B 8K9
Telephone: (705) 474-7600
TDD: (705) 495-2862
Fax: (705) 474-2384
Email: admissions@canadorec.on.ca
bullet Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S-5B6
Phone: 613-520-3993
Email: liaison@carleton.ca
bullet Cartoon Monster
Suite1008, 50 Young St.
Hamilton, ON L8N-1V2
Phone: 905-523-0142
Email: harold@cartoonmonster.tv
bullet Centauri Summer Arts Camp
6726 South Chippawa Road
Wellandport, ON L0R 2J0
Telephone: (416) 766-7124
bullet Centennial College
Digital Animation Program
Toronto, ON M4K-3M2
Phone: 416-289-5100
Email: thecentre@centennialcollege.ca
bullet Collège Boréal
Nursing Program
21 Blvd. Lasalle
Sudbury, ON P3A-6B1
Phone: 705-560-6673 ext. 4500
bullet Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
Cambridge Campus
150 Main Street (Suite 402)
Cambridge, ON N1R-6P9
Phone: 519-623-4890
bullet Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
Doon Campus
299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, ON N2G-4M4
Phone: 519-748-5220
bullet Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
Guelph Campus
460 Speedvale Ave W
Guelph, ON N1H-6N6
Phone: 519-824-9390

bullet Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology
P.O. Box 631
Station A
Scarborough, Ontario M1K 5E9
Telephone: (416) 289-5000
bullet Confederation College
School of Health & Community Services
Nursing & Practical Nursing Programs
P.O. Box 398, Station F
Thunder Bay, ON P7C-4W1
Phone: 807-475-6282
bullet Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
Stratford Campus
130 Young Street
Stratford, ON N5A-1J7
Phone: 519-271-5700
bullet Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology
Waterloo Campus
108 University Avenue East
Waterloo, ON N2J-2W2
Phone: 519-885-0300
bullet Conestoga College
99 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4
Telephone: (519) 748-5220 ext.2244
Fax: (519) 895-1097

bullet Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
299 Doon Valley Drive
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4
Telephone: (519) 748-5220
Email: webmaster@conestogac.on.ca
bullet Conrad Grebel College
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G6
Telephone: (519) 885-0220, ext. 380
Fax: (519) 885-0014
E-mail: lmewert@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
bullet CTS Canadian Career College
546 Bryne Drive
Barrie, ON,L4N 9P6
Phone:(705) 725-8776
bullet CTS Canadian Career College
North Bay
1495 Seymour Street
North Bay, ON,P1B 8G4
Phone:(705) 495-1200
bullet CTS Canadian Career College
76 Elm St
Sudbury, ON
Phone:(705) 688-1200
bullet DaVinci College-Digital Media
219 Dufferin St., Suite 10A
Toronto, ON M6K-1Y9
Phone: 416-362-9664
Email: info@davincicollege.ca
bullet Dominican University College
96, Empress Avenue
Ottawa ON, K1R 7G3
Telephone: (613) 233-5696
Email: info@dominicancollege.ca
bullet Drawing in Perspective
Toronto, ON M6R-3B5
Phone: 647 436-1077
Email: dale@DrawingInPerspective.com
bullet Dream Machine
505 Dovercourt Road
Toronto, ON M6H-2W3
Phone: 416 532-0677
Email: info@dreammachinestudio.com
bullet Durham College
School of Health and Human Studies
Collaborative Nursing and Practical Nursing Programs
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4
Phone: 905-721-2000
Email: admissions@durhamcollege.ca
bullet Durham College
Whitby campus:
1610 Champlain Avenue
Whitby, ON L1N 6A7
Phone: 905-721-3300
Email: admissions@durhamcollege.ca
bullet Durham College Animation
Animation - Computer Arts
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1H-7K4
Phone: 905 721 3111 x. 363
Email: christopher.gould@durhamcollege.ca
bullet Everest College - Ottawa East
1200 St. Laurent Blvd., Unit 19, P.O. Box 239
Ottawa, ON K1K-3B8
Phone: 613-236-8282
bullet Everest College - Ottawa West
1050 Morrison Drive, Suite 200
Nepean, ON K2H-8K7
Phone: 613-721-8555
bullet Everest College - Scarborough
2425 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 400
Scarborough, ON M1K-5G8
Phone: 416-288-5333
bullet Everest College - Sudbury
66 Elm Street
Sudbury, ON P3C-1R8
Phone: 705-688-1188
bullet Everest College - Thunder Bay
28 N Cumberland St., Suite 400
Thunder Bay, ON P7A-4K9
Phone: 807-346-4667

bullet Everest College - Toronto Central
117 Eglinton Avenue, East, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M4P-1H4
Phone: 416-480-2164

bullet Everest College - Toronto College Park
424 Yonge Street, Suite 200
Toronto, ON M5B-2H4
Phone: 416-963-8633

bullet Everest College - Windsor
875 Ouellette Ave, 4th Floor
Windsor, ON N9A-4J6
Phone: 519-945-7300
bullet Elmwood School
261 Buena Vista Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1M 0V9
Telephone: 1-613-749-6761
Fax: 1-613-741-8210
bullet Fanshawe College
Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Division
1460 Oxford St. E, P.O. Box 7005
London , ON N5Y-5R6
Phone: 519-452-4430 ext. 4913
bullet Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
PO Box 4005
London, ON N5W 5H1
Phone: (519) 452-4430
Fax: (519) 659-5781
bullet First Interactive Computer College
Centre for Digital Media and Internetworking 822 Richmond Street West
Toronto, ON M6J-1C9
Phone: 416-504-3614
Email: info@ficc.ca
bullet George Brown College
PO Box 1015,Station "B"
Toronto, ON M5T 2T9
Phone: (416) 415-5000 ext. 4558
Toll Free: 800-265-2002 ext. 4558
Fax: (416) 415-4794
Email: info@gbrownc.on.ca
bullet Georgian College
Barrie Campus
One Georgian Drive,
Barrie, ON L4M-3X9
Phone: 705-728-1968
Email: inquire@georgianc.on.ca
bullet Georgian College
Orillia Campus
825 Memorial Avenue, Box 2316
Orillia, ON L3V-6S2
Phone: 705-325-2740
Email: inquire@georgianc.on.ca
bullet Georgian College
Owen Sound Campus
1450 8th Street East
Owen Sound, ON N4K-5R4
Phone: 519-376-0840
Email: inquire@georgianc.on.ca

bullet Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
One Georgian Drive
Barrie, Ontario L4M 3X9
Telephone: (705) 728-1968
Fax: (705) 722-5123
Email: inquire@georgianc.on.ca
bullet Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning 
Humber North Campus
205 Humber College Blvd.,
Toronto, ON M9W-5L7
Phone: 416-675-5000
Email: enquiry@humber.ca
bullet Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning  
Humber Lakeshore Campus
3199 Lake Shore Blvd. W.,
Toronto, ON M8V-1K8
Phone: 416-675-5000
Email: enquiry@humber.ca
bullet Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning  
Humber Orangeville Campus
275 Alder Street, 2nd Floor
Orangeville, ON L9W-5A9
Phone: 416-675-5000
Email: enquiry@humber.ca
bullet Humber Lakeshore Campus
3199 Lake Shore Blvd.
W., Toronto, Ontario, M8V 1K8
T: (416) 675-5000
bullet Humber North Campus
205 Humber College Blvd.,
Toronto, Ontario, M9W 5L7
Telephone: (416) 675-3111
Fax: (416) 675-2427
e-mail: enquiry@humber.ca.

bullet Humber Orangeville Campus
275 Alder Street, Alder Street Recreation Complex
Orangeville Ontario, L9W 5A9
Fax: 519-941-8068
bullet Kingston Learning Centre
Dental Assisting Program
742 Arlington Park Place
Kingston, ON K7M 7N7
Phone: (613) 384-6194
Fax: (613) 384-9459
bullet La Cité Collégiale
801, promenade de l'Aviation
Ottawa, ON K1K 4R3
Phone: (613) 742-2493
Toll Free: 1-800-267-2483
Fax: (613) 742-2467

bullet Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology
1457 London Road
Sarnia, Ontario N7S 6K4
Telephone: (519) 542-7751
Fax: (519) 541-2420
Email: info@lambton.on.ca
bullet Lakehead University
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1
Telephone: (807) 343-8110
Fax: (807) 343-8023

bullet Lakehead University
Heritage Place
1 Colborne St. West
Orillia, Ontario L3V 7X5
Telephone: (705) 330-4019
Fax: (705) 329-4648
bullet Lambton College
School of Health Sciences, Nursing Program
1457 London Road
Sarnia, ON N7X-6K4
Phone: 519-542-7751
Email: info@lambtonc.on.ca
bullet Laurentian University of Sudbury
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6
Telephone: (705) 675-1151
Toll Free: 1-800-461-4030

bullet Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
Wallbridge-Loyalist Road
P.O. Box 4200
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B9
Telephone: (613) 969-1913
Fax: (613) 962-1376
Email: liaison@loyalistc.on.ca
bullet Maxwell College of Advanced Technology
270 Front Street
Belleville, ON K8N 5V7
Phone: (613) 962-7846
bullet McMaster University
School of the Arts (SOTA)
Togo Salmon Hall 414
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M2
Telephone: (905) 525-9140 Extn: 27671
Fax: (905) 527-6793
Email: sota@mcmaster.ca

bullet Medix School - Brantford
39 King George Road
Brantford, ON N3R 5K2
Phone: (519) 752-4859

bullet Medix School- London
1299 Oxford Street, East
London, ON N5Y 4W5
Phone: (519)659-4822
Fax: (519) 659-2516

bullet Medix School-Kitchener
248 Stirling Avenue South, Unit 14
Kitchener, ON N2G 4L1
Phone: 1-800-696-2414

bullet Medix School-Scarborough
2130 Lawrence Ave. East, Suite 205
Scarborough, ON M1R 3A6
Phone: (416) 701-1201
Fax: (416) 701-0855

bullet Medix School-Toronto, North York Campus
700 Lawrence Ave, Suite #300
Toronto, ON N6A 3B4
Phone: (416) 630-8021
bullet Mohawk College School of Business
Mohawk College of Applied Arts
P.O. Box 2034,
Hamilton, ON L8N-3T2
Phone: 905-575-1212

bullet Niagara College
300 Woodlawn Road
Welland, Ontario L3C 7L3
Telephone: (905) 735-2211
Email: infocentre@niagarac.on.ca

bullet Nipissing University - Muskoka Campus
440 Ecclestone Drive
Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 1Z6
Telephone: (705) 645-2921
Fax: (705) 645-2922
bullet Nipissing University
50 Wellington St.
Brantford, ON N3T 2L6
Telephone: (519) 752-1524
Fax: (519) 752-8372
bullet Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002
North Bay ON P1B 8L7
Telephone: (705) 474-3450
Fax: (705) 474-1947
tty: (705) 474-3897
bullet Northern College
School of Health Sciences, Nursing Department
Northern Region, P.O. Box 3211
Timmins, ON P4N-8R6
Phone: 705-235-3211 ext. 2288
Email: info@northern.on.ca
bullet Ontario College of Art & Design
100 McCaul Street
Toronto ON M5T 1W1
Telephone: (416) 977-6000
bullet Ontario College Of Health and Technology
Stoney Creek
1040 North Service Road
Stoney Creek, ON,L8E 6G3
Phone:(905) 643-8778
Email: info@ocht.ca
bullet Ontario Veterinary College
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Telephone: 519-824-4120
bullet Queen's Theological College
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Telephone: (613) 533-2107
Fax: (613) 533-6879
E-mail: carterr@post.queensu.ca
bullet Queen's University
Gordon Hall
74 Union Street
Kingston, Ontario,K7L 3N6
Telephone: (613) 533-2218
Fax: (613) 533-6810
Email: admission@queensu.ca
bullet Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts
736 Bathurst Street
Totonto Ontario, M5S 2R4
Telephone: (416) 924-2243
Fax: (416) 924-1535

bullet Redeemer University College
777 Garner Road East
Ancaster, Ontario L9K 1J4
Telephone: (905) 648-2131
Fax: (905) 648-2134
bullet Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
330-55 Murray Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5M3
Telephone: (613) 241-3600
Fax: (613) 241-5750
bullet Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000, Station Forces
Kingston, Ontario, K7K 7B4
Telephone: (613) 541-6000 ext 6984
Toll-free: 1-866-762-2672
E-mail: liaison@rmc.ca
bullet Ryerson University
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2K3
Telephone:(416) 979-5000
(416) 979-5036
bullet Sault College
The School of Health Sciences, Nursing Program
P.O. Box 60, 443 Northern Ave.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A-5L3
Phone: 705-759-2554 ext. 728
Email: studentrecruitment@saultcollege.ca

bullet Schulich School of Business
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto Ontario M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5081
Email: undergrad@schulich.yorku.ca
bullet Seneca College
School of Health Sciences
King Campus
13990 Dufferin St. N
King City, ON L7B-1B3
Phone: 416-491-5050
Email: admissions@senecac.on.ca
bullet Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
8 The Seneca Way (Highway 7 and Highway 404)
Markham, Ontario L3R 5Y1
Telephone: 416.491.50500
416.491.5050 ext. 2800
Fax: 416.493.3958
E-mail: admissions@senecac.on.ca
bullet Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
13990 Dufferin St.
King City, Ontario L7B 1B3
Telephone: 416.491.5050


Sir Sanford Fleming College
Institute for Health Aging and Nursing
599 Brealey Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J-7B1
Phone: 705-749-5529
Email: info@flemingc.on.ca
bullet St. Clair College Of Applied Arts
2000 Talbot Road West
Windsor, ON N9A 6S4
Phone: (519) 966-1656
Fax: (519) 972-3811
bullet St. Clair College
Thames Campus
1001 Grand Ave. West
Chatham, ON N7M-5W4
Phone: 519-354-9100
Email: info@stclaircollege.ca
bullet St. Clair College
Windsor - Downtown
St. Clair Centre for the Arts
201 Riverside Drive West
Windsor, ON N9A-5K4
Phone: 519-252-8311
Email: info@stclaircollege.ca
bullet St. Jerome's University
200 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G3
Telephone:(519) 884-8110/(519) 884-8111
Fax: (519) 884-5759
E-mail: fjdesroc@uwaterloo.ca
bullet St. Lawrence College
Nursing Program
Kingston Campus
P.O. Box 6000
King St. at Portsmouth
Kingston, ON K7L-5A6
Phone: 613-544-5532 ext. 1198
bullet Trent University
Nursing Program
Peter Gzowski College at Argyle
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J-7B8
Phone: 705-748-1011 or 1-888-739-8885
Email: communications@trentu.ca
bullet The National Academy of Health & Business
165 Dundas St. W.
3rd Floor
Mississauga, ON L5B 2N6
Phone: (905) 273-6656
Fax: (905) 273-6373
bullet The New School of Drama
115 Danforth Avenue
Corner of Broadview and Danforth
Toronto, Ontario
Telephone: (416) 461-9790

bullet Toronto Academy of Acting
1179 King St.W. Suite 215
Toronto, ONT M6K 3C5
Telephone: (416) 536-8574
bullet Trillium College
2A/2B - 1300 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7M 4X4
Phone: (613) 531-5138
Fax: (905) 433-8962

bullet Trillium College
419 King Street West
Oshawa, ON L1J 2K5
Phone: (905) 723-1163

bullet Trillium College
24/25 - 2525 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K2B 8C1
Phone: (613) 829-9059
Fax: (613) 829-1703

bullet Trillium College
201A - 1135 Lansdowne Street West
Peterborough, ON K9J 7M2
Phone: (705) 742-5565
Fax: (705) 742-5532

bullet Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1H8
Telephone: (416) 978-2522
Fax: (416) 978-2797
bullet TriOS College
Queen St. East
Brampton, ON
bullet TriOS College
45 King Street West
Kitchener, ON,N2G 1C2
(866) 348-7467
bullet TriOS College
4 Hughson Street South
Hamilton, ON,L8N 3Z1
(905) 528-8972
bullet TriOS College
425 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON,M4W 3R4
(866) 808-7467
bullet TriOS College
55 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, ON,L5B 1M3
(800) 898-7467
bullet TriOS College
520 First St.
London, ON
(888) 274-0471
bullet TriOS College
200 John St. West
Oshawa, ON
(905) 723-1163
bullet TriOS College
7610 Tecumseh Road East
Windsor, ON,N8T 1E9
(519) 945-0770
bullet Tyndale University College
25 Ballyconnor Court
Toronto, ON M2M-4B3
Phone: 1-877-TYNDALE or 416-218-6757
Email: admissions@tyndale.ca
bullet University OF Guelph(BLA/MLA)
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Ontario N1G 2W1
Telephone: (519) 824-4120, Ext. 52191
Email: mnelisch@uoguelph.ca
bullet University of Ontario Institute of Technology
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4
Telephone: 1-905-721-3190
Fax: 1-905-721-3178
bullet University of Ottawa
Tabaret Hall
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5
Telephone: (613) 562-5700
Toll-free: 1-877-868-8292
bullet University of Toronto
27 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1
Telephone:(416) 978-2011
bullet University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies
4925 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T6
Telephone:(416) 667-7700
Fax:(416) 667-7799
bullet University of Waterloo
School of Architecture
Faculty of Environmental Studies
200 University Avenue, West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Telephone: (519) 888-4587, Ext. 4544
Fax: (519) 746-0512
E-mail: jbecker@adminmail.uwaterloo.ca
bullet University of Western Ontario
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
Telephone: (519) 661-2111
bullet University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Telephone: 1-800-864-2860
Fax: (519) 971-3653
bullet Wilfrid Laurier University
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
Telephone: (519) 884-1970
bullet Willis College Of Business, Health And Technology
85 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, ON,K1P 5M6
Phone:(877) 233-1128
bullet Willis College Of Business, Health And Technology
Smith Falls
94 Beckwith Street
Smith Falls, ON,K7A 2C1
Phone:(613) 283-1905
bullet Willis College Of Business, Health And Technology
Toronto Centre
211 Rimrock Road
Toronto, ON,M3J 3C6
Phone:(416) 410-3550
bullet York University
Bennett Centre for Student Services
99 Ian MacDonald Blvd
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5000
Fax: (416) 736-5536

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