

Headline and Summary

Headlines and summaries are sometimes discussed separately. Here they are combined as one unit. This unit replaces the traditional objective (more on that below) with a more powerful statement. Here's the headline and summary for Beth's resume:

Headline Summary of Resume

Beth has included the following information in her headline/summary section:

  • A headline stating her objective. If Beth applies to a project coordinator job that's related to a particular function or product, she can add that (e.g., Project Coordinator Technology).*
  • A paragraph summarizing her strengths and experience. Beth presents herself as an experienced, highly skilled professional with an interest in working in consulting.
  • A bulleted list of skills that extends the summary. To back up her job target as a project coordinator, Beth lists functions and software she's skilled in.

In writing the summary, the language you use is important. For more on using language effectively, see this section on writing a first draft.

*The Objective Section. A new way to write an objective is to make it a headline. In Beth's resume, her objective is implied in the headline Project Coordinator. This is more effective than old-style statements like this: A challenging position that will allow me to use my project coordination skills. Today, statements like this are considered too general and self-serving to be effective.