
Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand New Zealand
Our list of educational institutions in New Zealand is categorized by college majors and program types. Each category uses a comprehensive map of New Zealand to display a list of top colleges, universities and schools within the country. Users can further narrow their search for educational institutions by selecting specific provinces or territories within New Zealand.

College Majors
Architecture Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Art Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Business Managament Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Beauty and Cosmetology Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Criminal Justice Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Criminal Justice
Cooking and Culinary Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Drama Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Graphic Design Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Graphic Design
Law Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Massage Therapy Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Massage Therapy
Music Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Nursing Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Pharmacy Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand
Photography Schools Colleges Universities in New Zealand

Program Types
Graduate Schools Colleges Universities in New ZealandGraduate Schools: Offer courses and degree programs that tend to be more focused and specialized than undergraduate courses. Graduate schools offer a master's degree, which takes 2-3 years of advanced study after college. However, many larger universities also offer post-graduate studies which can eventually award a doctorate or PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).

Undergrad Schools Colleges Universities in New ZealandUndergraduate Schools: Are educational institutions that award a bachelor's or an associate's degree to students who complete a basic educational foundation within a given program of study following high school. It typically takes 4 years of full-time study to get an undergraduate degree, which often is an entry-level requirement for pursuing many jobs and career opportunities.